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Coriolis Flow Meter | Mass Measurement, High Accuracy

Learn about the Coriolis flow meter, its operation principle, high accuracy in mass measurement, and diverse industrial applications.

Coriolis Flow Meter | Mass Measurement, High Accuracy

Understanding the Coriolis Flow Meter: Mass Measurement and High Accuracy

The Coriolis flow meter, named after the French scientist Gaspard-Gustave de Coriolis, is a sophisticated device used in the process and chemical industries for the measurement of mass flow and density. It is renowned for its high accuracy and reliability in various applications ranging from oil and gas production to pharmaceuticals and food processing. This article will explore the fundamental principles, advantages, and common applications of the Coriolis flow meter.

Principles of Operation

The operating principle of the Coriolis flow meter is based on the Coriolis effect. When a moving fluid is passed through a vibrating tube, the vibration creates inertia-induced forces on the fluid. As the fluid flows through the oscillating flow tubes, it experiences a Coriolis acceleration. This results in a phase shift or a twist in the tube, which is proportional to the mass flow rate of the fluid. Sensors at the inlet and outlet of the tube detect this phase shift, and from these measurements, the mass flow rate is calculated.

Mathematically, the mass flow rate (m) is directly proportional to the phase shift (ΔΦ) observed in the tube. The relationship can be expressed as:

m = K * ΔΦ

where K is a calibration constant determined by the characteristics of the meter.

Key Advantages

  • Direct Mass Measurement: Unlike other flow meters that measure volumetric flow and require corrections for fluid properties, Coriolis meters measure mass flow directly. This eliminates the need for temperature and pressure compensations, enhancing accuracy.
  • High Accuracy: Coriolis flow meters are highly accurate, typically within ±0.1% to ±0.5% of the flow rate. Their ability to maintain accuracy over a wide range of flow rates and conditions is a significant advantage.
  • Measurement of Various Parameters: Besides mass flow, Coriolis meters can simultaneously measure fluid density and temperature, providing comprehensive insights into the flowing medium.
  • No Moving Parts: The absence of moving parts reduces maintenance needs and enhances the meter’s durability and reliability.


Coriolis flow meters are used across a diverse range of industries due to their versatile benefits:

  1. Oil and Gas: They are crucial for the accurate measurement of hydrocarbons in upstream, midstream, and downstream processes.
  2. Pharmaceuticals: Ensuring precise formulation and compliance with stringent quality controls.
  3. Food and Beverage: Used for the measurement of ingredients in batching processes where precision is critical.
  4. Chemicals: Essential in chemical dosing applications where the chemical reaction depends on precise proportioning.


The Coriolis flow meter is a powerful tool in the arsenal of modern industrial technology. Its ability to deliver precise and direct measurement of mass flow and density makes it indispensable in industries where accuracy and efficiency are paramount. By understanding how it works and its applications, industries can better select and implement these devices to enhance their operations and product quality.

As technology advances, the development and refinement of Coriolis flow meters continue, promising even greater functionality and adaptability to meet the evolving needs of modern industries.