Applications of Thermal Insulators
The purpose of clothing is similar. The insulating properties of clothing come from the insulating properties of air. Gases possess poor thermal conduction properties compared to liquids and solids, and thus makes a good insulation material if they can be trapped (e.g. in a foam-like structure). Air and other gases are generally good insulators. But the main benefit is in the absence of convection. Without clothes, our bodies in still air would heat the air in direct contact with the skin and would soon become reasonably comfortable because air is a very good insulator. It must be added, also in this case air will be flowing due to natural convection. In natural convection, air surrounding a body receives heat and by thermal expansion becomes less dense and rises. Thermal expansion of air plays a crucial role. In other words, heavier (more dense) components will fall, while lighter (less dense) components rise, leading to bulk air movement.
In the wind, the warm air surrounding our body would be replaced by cold air, thus increasing the temperature difference and the heat loss from the body. Clothes constitute a barrier to this moving air. The main benefit is in the absence of large-scale convection. Moreover, clothes are made from materials, which are generally good insulators. Many insulating materials (e.g. wool) function simply by having a large number of gas-filled pockets which prevent large-scale convection. Alternation of gas pocket and solid material causes that the heat must be transferred through many interfaces causing rapid decrease in heat transfer coefficient.
Building Insulation
In order to minimize heat losses in industry and also in construction of buildings, thermal insulation is widely used. The purpose of thermal insulation is to reduce the overall heat transfer coefficient by adding materials with low thermal conductivity. Thermal insulation in buildings is an important factor to achieving thermal comfort for its occupants. Thermal insulation reduces unwanted heat loss and also reduce unwanted heat gain. Therefore thermal insulation can decrease the energy demands of heating and cooling systems. It must be added, there is no material which can completely prevent heat losses, heat losses can be only minimized.
Similarly as for clothing, thermal insulation is based on low thermal conductivity materials and on its geometry (e.g. double-pane windows). The insulating properties of these materials come from the insulating properties of air. Many insulating materials (e.g. wool) function simply by having a large number of gas-filled pockets which prevent large-scale convection. Geometry of these materials plays also crucial role. For example, increasing the width of the air layer, such as using two panes of glass separated by an air gap, will reduce the heat loss more than simply increasing the glass thickness, since the thermal conductivity of air is much less than that for glass.
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